2015年12月2日 星期三



1. 拍子記號、小節線 (time signatures and bar lines) 
The following extract, which begins on the first beat of the bar, requires a different time signature for each bar. Put in the correct time signature where necessary. 

2. 和弦及和弦轉位 (chords and chord inversions)
Describe the chords marked X, Y and Z in the extract below as I, II, IV or V. Also, whether the lowest note of the chord is the root (a), 3rd (b) or 5th (c) should be indicated. The key is A major.

3. 音程 (intervals) 
Describe fully each of the numbered harmonic and melodic intervals (e.g. major 2nd).

4. 移調 (transposing)
The following melody is written for horn in F. Transpose it down a perfect 5th, as it will sound at concert pitch. Remember to put in the new key signature and add any necessary accidentals.

5. 管弦樂器 (orchestral instruments)
Answer TRUE or FALSE to each of the following statements:
i) The flute is a transposing instrument. ________________
ii) The oboe always uses the alto clef. ________________

iii) The trumpet player could be asked to play "pizzicato" ________________

6. 調號及其轉換 (relationship between clefs)
Write the last note of the extract using the alto C clef, so that they sound at the same pitchRemember to put in the clef.

7. 音階 (scales)
Write the key signature of six flats and then one octave ascending of the harmonic minor scale with that key signature. Use semibreves (whole notes), begin on the tonic and remember to put in any necessary additional sharp, flat or natural signs.

8. 作曲 (composing)
9. 終止式 (cadence)
Suggest suitable progressions for 2 cadences in the following melody by indicating 
ONE chord (I, II, IV or V) at each of the places marked A-E. 

Show the chords by writing I, II, IV or V on the lines below.

10. 其他:專有名稱 (technical names)、裝飾音 (ornaments)、音樂詞彙 (vocabulary) 等

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